
Rate Schedule

per month
12 months minimum

Scrolling Logo on MMG homepage with statis link to our company site

Vendor at all MMG events

Placement as a featured sponsor MMG Homepage

Prominent signage at all MMG tournaments and events

Naming rights for select tournaments

Meet and greet opportunities at select events

4 (quarterly) email blasts to MMG members

4 (quarterly) blasts on MMG Facebook and Twitter sites

per month
12 Months

Scrolling Logo on MMG homepage with statis link to our company site

Vendor at all MMG events

Meet and greet opportunities at select events

2 (quarterly) email blasts to MMG members

2 (quarterly) blasts on MMG Facebook and Twitter sites

per month
6 months

Scrolling Logo on MMG homepage with statis link to our company site

Vendor at all MMG events